Dragon Strike is E. E. Knight's sequel to Blah Blah Blah, Age of Fire. In this book, the three siblings, AuRon, Wistala and The Copper FINALLY meet each other. The build-up to the meeting took up almost three quarters of the book, and was SO anticlimactic. For three and three quarters books you are WAITING for this moment, and when it finally comes, it's like 'no one was there for me' (Copper), 'I'm a forgiving soul, so I forgive you' (Wistala), and 'Huh, I'm not as mad as I thought' (AuRon), and then they just move onto the next stupid thing! SERIOUSLY, the description of this big meeting was only TWO pages and I feel kind of cheated. There should have been long drawn out family drama and all this stuff going on for the rest of the book and then left open ended so I would want to read the next book (yes, there is another one). It's like waiting your whole entire childhood to go to Disney World and meet Mickey Mouse and then when it finally happens, you find out that it's just some dude in a costume, you take one picture, and then you're shuffled out and onto the next stupid ride that's not as good. This book should have been called Dragon Disappointment.
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