Last weekend was Haus & Co's 6th Annual Fakesgiving. I can't believe it's the 6th one! Pretty soon we'll have to have the 10th Anniversary Fakesgiving Extravaganza. It was a ton of fun as usual, and Will & Steph were so nice to let us all pile into their house and mess it up for a whole weekend. There was some game playing, like Settlers of Catan. I forgot how fun this game is. I didn't get a chance to play the last few times we got together, but I'm glad I did this time. I didn't win, but I played alright. WE BUILT THIS CITY ON SHEEP AND OREEEEE! We also played Apples to Apples towards the end of the feast, and that was a riot. Robert was so irritated that we were playing this game (because he hates fun), and I found out who Brian Surgeons is.
Robert also brought me the bike he built for me a while ago. We took it for a little test drive down 5th Ave, and it's great! I need to get a helmet before I do any serious riding, but I think I am going to enjoy riding this so much! Robert is awesome for building this for me and hauling it all the way up to Troy from Delaware. The handlebars are also wrapped with black and purple. I am going to be SUCH a hipster now. Look at me with that pant leg rolled up.
We also did our fair share of drinking wine. Lots of new friends from Troy came to the party, and that was awesome. We made our obligatory tipsy march down to the playground and climbed on the equipment for a while. Will snapped this awesome picture of me drinking wine. I immediately changed all my userpics to this, because it rules. I took a lots more pictures and put them into a flickr set. I love having my new little camera. I think one day I will want to upgrade to a digital SLR, but for right now, this camera rules. It is so easy to take places, and I have never taken more pictures in my life. The flickr pro account also rules hard. I have so many pictures in one place now, and I love it.
It was so good to see all of my friends this weekend. I really miss these people a lot. I feel so good when I am around them, and we have a lot of fun together. It kind of stinks that we are so far away from each other, but I am so happy that everyone is still willing to travel to get together like this every year. I hope this continues for many years down the road.
i don't hate fun! that game is just crap... CRAP!!!
"apples to apples" is the card i would give you if the adjective card read "worst game ever that makes no sense and is not fun."
Posted by: robert | November 20, 2007 at 04:41 PM