Last night I cast on Fuzzy Feet from Knitty Winter 2002. After my epic NaKniSweMo adventure, pretty much ANYTHING that is not a sweater is going to feel like it takes no time at all. I'm using a couple skeins of Lopi from this sweater kit that my mom gave me for Christmas last year. The sweater in this knit bares too close a resemblance to the fashionable drug rug of my middle school years than I am comfortable with, so I will not knit it. This yarn is GREAT to felt with, so this is a great first project for this kit.
These slippers are for a craft swap I am doing with my friend, Diane, who I met through the board. She is going to sew me a fleece hat in exchange for these slippers. My fleece hat is going to be red to match my favorite jacket, and I am so excited about that! I chose this charcoal color with white nubby bits, because I thought this color would suit her best. And, she "likes all of the colors equally." This is my first craft swap ever!
In other knitting news, I entered my NaKniSweMo sweater in a contest on, so if you feel like it (you don't have to), you can go there and vote for one of them (MINE). Also, the Winter 2007 Knitty is up, and I've browsed about 1/3 of the patterns. There are some things I definitely want to knit already, like Ice Queen, Quant, one of the Three Tams (side note: there is no effing way I am actually wearing said tam), and Dahlia. ALSO, I had to go to the post office today, and I picked up a new book of stamps. I was super psyched when they gave me a book of the new Christmas stamps. They are all knit intarsia holiday characters!! How cool is that?!
In non-knitting news, I have been in kind of a funk for the past couple days. I'm sure it is just the weather, and my diet hasn't been the best either. But, I have just been thinking about how much being far away from everyone close to me sucks sometimes. I have made friends here, who I care about very much. I know it's really good to get out on your own and be your own person and carve your own way through life, but there's also something to be said for having people who you love around, people who truly enrich your life. So, to all of you, you know who you are, I miss you.
Funny--I think that being far away from everyone I care about is one of the benefits of living here.
Posted by: Danielle | December 07, 2007 at 10:18 PM