This week is and good 'ol standby - "Operation Ground and Pound" by Dragonforce, from their Inhuman Rampage disc. I have been a fan of this band for the last couple of years thanks mostly to Tim and Beth who burned me copies of their first two albums, and yes, I did buy the third myself. They are very tongue in cheek, which I think is cool. I love the compressed guitars and the 80's throwback vocal. Also, their hair is so long and perfect. Their collective hair. The premise for this video is kind of weak, but what else can you really do? To me it seems like it went "HEY! HEY GUYS! Come stand in front of this green screen and we'll blast you with wind machines while you play your song!" It is worth it though, a few minutes in, when the dueling guitars happen. They always showcase the dueling solos in their videos and I think it totally rules. This time, the two guitarists are playing a video game where they control themselves playing their solos?? Eventually one of them wins with the BAD ARSE ATTACK! My most favorite part of this video, though, is when the singer takes a sip of some beverage out of a paper cup during the crazy guitar/video game duel like he is standing in front of the water cooler at work or something. FABULOUS.
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