Here are the Fiddlesticks socks all washed and blocked! I took them outside yesterday in the 85 degree weather to take pictures. I even got a little color on my face! I loved using the Magic Loop technique. I will probably do all of my socks this way from now on. It's so easy, and you only have one needle to worry about.
Even though the color was for the October Month for the Tofutsies Sock Club, I feel like it fits in nice for spring and the beginning of summer too.
The next pair of socks I will knit will probably be for Sock Wars. I hope I at least make it a couple of rounds!
Oc-toe-ber Fiddlesticks Socks
Pattern Source: Tofutsies Sock Club - October 2007 Exclusive Pattern
Yarn: Southwest Trading Company Tofutsies colorway lime green/black/white
Needles: European Size 2
They look awesome!!!!!
Posted by: ragan | April 25, 2008 at 09:52 AM