I never got to read this one as a kid either! Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - the first in a series of 4 main ones and I guess a bunch of extra ones too? I liked this book a lot. It was weird and disturbing and well-written and cool! I had to remind myself a bunch of times that most of the characters are all little kids and only 6 years old when the story begins. There are already rules today in some countries that limit the amount of children a family can have, but it's interesting in this book how the extra children are put to use by the government in whatever way they saw fit. They aren't really considered people. The twist at the end was *kind of* predictable, but it was still really powerful when it happened. I liked how the ending started to open up another can of worms so that crazy stuff can happen in the books to come, which I definitely will read. I would definitely recommend this classic to sci fi fans, and also people who like ready stories with child characters.
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