The Prophet of Yonwood is the third book in Jeanne DuPrau's Books of Ember. This is a prequel that takes place about a generation or two before the City of Ember is created. I liked it for the most part, but I was kind of disappointed, because I thought it was going to be about the actual thought process and execution of the City of Ember. Instead it was about about life in general during a time of global crisis and impending apocalypse. I did enjoy the themes a lot - how religion can be used to control people and how easily people allow themselves to be controlled while they're in a state of fear. I liked the idea that there was a Prophet in the town, however, I was also disappointed in the way the prophet just all of a sudden snapped out of her weird sick mumbling state. I am looking forward to reading the forth book in this series which picks up with the send of the second book left off. I also still want to read about how Ember was set up and founded and the issues that went along with that. I'm hoping Jeanne DuPrau chooses to write a book during that time.
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