Here's something. It has been a while, but I have been knitting. It's been taking longer for me to finish projects lately, because I have been focusing a little on many things instead of A LOT on one thing. Anyway, here is a pair of Pomatomus socks. This patterns is one of those really popular ones that I hadn't knit yet. When I started these I was ready for more of a challenge and a pattern that I had to pay attention to.
I received the yarn I used for these socks in a knitting swap package from hokkapokka. I'm not sure what the fiber is, but I *think* it's mostly or all alpaca. She dyed it herself in this really nice green color that didn't pool at all when I was knitting it. I really liked how the color turned out.
I have other projects completed that I need to take pictures of and post. I want to blog more about things in general, but I'm so out of the habit. I also want to give the blog a serious makeover. I have a lot of ideas for that too. Now that the rainy season is pretty much here, I might have some more motivation to be at the computer while I'm home.
Pattern Source: Knitty Winter 2005
Yarn: Hand-Dyed Mystery Yarn from hokkapokka
Needles: US 2
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